OO! If that didn’t scare you, maybe the idea of arranging your girl’s room around a set of orange bedding might send your teeth chattering. The mere mention of selecting decor based on this color generally sends the weak of heart running for the hills and frankly I don’t get it. There is so much that can be done with an orange comforter and it is such a warm and friendly color.
If you are a holiday decorator, you may have landed here looking for a Halloween themed comforter set. Sorry to disappoint you but the purpose of this article is to convince my visitors that orange bedding and the holiday that celebrates with Trick or Treating do not necessarily march in lockstep.
The multi-colored changing leaves on the trees might draw my attention to various and sundry shades of orange in fall of the year because my habit is to study nature to get tips on workable color combinations and orange, red and brown is a winner especially with some bright yellow thrown in for good measure. But when spring rolls around I’m just as likely to jump in and try a set of orange and white or lively pink and orange bedding.
The bottom line is that no matter who says that orange is not flattering to a lady’s complexion; it is a beautiful color in a teenage girl’s bedroom. Cool things down with turquoise or neutralize the color scheme with white or dove gray but please don’t run from orange.
act, some of the bed in a bag sets should come with a warning label that this is not a color scheme for sissies. However if you use caution hot pink and orange just might set your bedroom up to be so stunning that makes your friend’s jaw drop when you open that door. For brave souls, a bright and bold set of polka dot bedding in pink and orange may be something worthy of consideration.
Just to be clear, pink and orange polka dot bedding is not the only pattern that will have this desired effect. Orange and white polka dots or pink and orange stripes are just as visually stimulating. In fact, if you wanted to throw in a few lime green or teal blue polka dots in the print I would be totally on board with the idea. When it comes to color my opinion is the more the merrier within reason, of course.
After you find that funky, pink and orange bedding you need to take it down a notch when decorating the rest of the bedroom. Ease up on the color with your wall paint ideas and experiment with a neutral color that will clear the stage for your comforter to shine. I’m not suggesting that you have to settle for painting the walls white although that might be cool when decorated with some painted polka dots or polka dot decals. I’m just saying that you don’t want too much color especially if it’s going to overpower that cool pink and orange bedding set.
Here are some ideas for accent colors that will be best to use as a background for your pink and orange comforter. For the walls, pale yellow, light orange or even white would be nice. My favorite accent colors that you can scatter with around the room with your choice of decorations like pillows and area rugs are teal blue, purple and lovely lime green.
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