Bedrooms need a special kind of lighting. A table lamp on the bedside table is, unless space has to be saved, usually better than a light fixed on the wall, where your head may get between it and the book. But the old system of having one ceiling light hung immediately over the dressing-table is ugly and inefficient.The new bedroom furniture collection from Huelsta, especially designed to give a new touch at your bedroom in 2009. The comfort oriented bedroom furniture that enable the user to create his own look New Bedroom Inspiration want to give you fresh ideas about how to decorate your bedroom. This blog main purpose is to give you inspiration when you need to decorate your home. Ten days ago I’ve started a topic entitled Modern Bedroom Furniture Inspiration where I’ve posted 6 pictures with beautiful 6 bedrooms. Today here it comes the second post from this series, with another 6 images with bedroom designs for more inspiration.For those who don’t have special room for your guests, you can make a bad on your sofa or if it is too small you can buy in stores folding bed, they are not so expensive and they are practical for different occasions – nobody will surprise you if he shows unannounced. For those good hosts who offer your own bed, don’t worry that your guest wouldn’t feel accepted, they already appreciate your gesture sleeping on the couch instead of them.The simple way to decorate bedroom is to paint your walls with white or any other, not so alive, color. Hang some artistic paintings on wall, put standard looking bed in and bedside table next to it. Choose classic colors for walls and classic wood for furniture. Be careful that you won’t put too many stuff into your room. Classic means less, so less is less is better then too much
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
decorate bed rooms
Bedrooms need a special kind of lighting. A table lamp on the bedside table is, unless space has to be saved, usually better than a light fixed on the wall, where your head may get between it and the book. But the old system of having one ceiling light hung immediately over the dressing-table is ugly and inefficient.The new bedroom furniture collection from Huelsta, especially designed to give a new touch at your bedroom in 2009. The comfort oriented bedroom furniture that enable the user to create his own look New Bedroom Inspiration want to give you fresh ideas about how to decorate your bedroom. This blog main purpose is to give you inspiration when you need to decorate your home. Ten days ago I’ve started a topic entitled Modern Bedroom Furniture Inspiration where I’ve posted 6 pictures with beautiful 6 bedrooms. Today here it comes the second post from this series, with another 6 images with bedroom designs for more inspiration.For those who don’t have special room for your guests, you can make a bad on your sofa or if it is too small you can buy in stores folding bed, they are not so expensive and they are practical for different occasions – nobody will surprise you if he shows unannounced. For those good hosts who offer your own bed, don’t worry that your guest wouldn’t feel accepted, they already appreciate your gesture sleeping on the couch instead of them.The simple way to decorate bedroom is to paint your walls with white or any other, not so alive, color. Hang some artistic paintings on wall, put standard looking bed in and bedside table next to it. Choose classic colors for walls and classic wood for furniture. Be careful that you won’t put too many stuff into your room. Classic means less, so less is less is better then too much
Thursday, October 29, 2009
veryone absolutely loves the Mur

We absolutely love the tiles. Linda was able to work with us to make the tiles work and custom fit the design for the space. We get compliments on them all the time!!!
Dot & Jack McElwee June 20
Tjust want to let you know my mural is gorgeous and everyone that sees it says they have never seen one this nice. It is the highlight of my new kitchen and so pleased that it looked as good as the picture. I bordered it with an off white stone rope and surrounded it with 2x3 porcelain that resembles travertine in shades of beige. Thanks again, Wanda Compton August 2009
Linda, I am absolutely delighted with my mural! What a statement it makes and it definitely completes the look. I will be taking pictures and sending them to you as I believe this was the "piece de resistance" ;-). Thanks again and keep creating such beautiful works of art. I am delighted with my purchase. Augusorre Chicago, IL September orre Chicago, IL September
e were EXTREMELY happy wit
e were EXTREMELY happy with the artwork and have gotten nothing but compliments! The process of installing the tiles was made simple with all the precise directions you included. Thank you so much for making this such an easy experience! We hope to meet you in person sometime!
hank you for the beautiful “Tuscany in the Mist” painted accent tiles. These have been installed in my downstairs ½ bath. I themed the bathroom colors around these tiles and it turned out beautiful. The tiles really make a statement. My house is designed around a Tuscan Villa style. Your help to design and alter the pattern of the tiles on the 4 different walls was very helpful. The tiles were delivered and packaged by wall elevation and number making installation very easy. Also the fireplaces accent tiles turned out to be a very cool detail in the Master Bedroom. It was a pleasure ordering from you and I will come back if I develop any other tile or ca
or those who were wondering

or those who were wondering why I chose Red & Black for our Theater. It's because our kitchen is Red & Black and we wanted to keep the theme the same. Although I must say, if the Color of the staining in the theater comes out the way I want it, I may be doing our kitchen over in Wood doors stained the same (Rosenut/Deep cherry).
om and Queens' Bath. Named for

om and Queens' Bath. Named for the many royal guests it has hosted (including queens of the Netherlands, Greece, Norway, and Great Britain), this room is sometimes used by presidents to reward friends and political supporters. Between 1902 and 1963, it was known as the "Rose Room" and was used by Anna Roosevelt (daughter of Theodore Roosevelt) and Emily Carow (Mrs. Roosevelt's sister), among others.
The room has been furnished in Federal style since the Truman renovation. Traditionally, the bed thought to have belonged to Andrew Jackson is used here; it was donated around 1902 and first used in what is today the Lincoln Bedroom. Off an east doorway is a small sitting room used as an office until the West Wing was built. It is furnished in Federal style to match the bedr
[Queens' Bath - Bush 1]
Franklin Roosevelt to Winston Churchill (code-named "Former Naval Person") inviting him to the White House just days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. (NARA)
Before the 1902 renovation, it was the usual bedroom and office for presidential private secretaries, which meant many male relatives, including sons of presidents. When the president's staff was moved to the new West Wing, this room became a regular bedroom suite. When the White House was gutted and rebuilt during the Truman administration, this room was rebuilt expressly as a guest suite with its own bathroom.
This is the room where Winston Churchill stayed when he visited with Presidents Roosevelt and Truman before and after World War 2. Mamie Eisenhower felt that only queens and similar state guests should stay in the Queens' Bedroom, so she had her son John and his wife Barbara moved to another room.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
hile not the first underwater

hile not the first underwater hotel, the one being built in Istanbul does promise some questionable views. The seven-story hotel is being built in the Istanbul Bosporus Straight, where the visibility underwater is allegedly only 10 feet. So you can forget about any view like that one in the picture! You won't be able to see shit. Well, except th
his is an art piece from a recent exhibit entitled Come Up To My Bedroom at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto. An ex-girlfriend of mine used an almost identical trap to capture me. Except I was lured onto the bed with a Wii and a four-pack of chocolate pudding. Little did I know what she had in store for me. Which, incidentally, was the worst year of my life. Sure getting to play the Wii right when it came out was awesome, but her monster hammer* was no
I adore this sofa, and I am usually no fan of hippie dippy fabrics. HB can get any style right, that's
The current issue is all about getting "cozy" right. Who can't use an extra helping of cozy these days? I was happy to see slipcovered sofas in this issue. As you know, I am pro dogs-on-couch, so it as nice to see something washable in a magazine
Even if this isn't your

Even if this isn't your style, isn't this the kind of place you'd show up to for some dilletante-hippie party and (you a little too drunk) would end up flopped on this sofa, candles flickering
Even if this isn't your style, isn't this the kind of place you'd show up to for some dilletante-hippie party and (you a little too drunk) would end up flopped on this sofa, candles flickering everywhere... and suddenly you're kissing on some guy named Benoit?everywhere... and suddenly you're kissing on some guy named Benoit?
My cauliflower is all diseased.

My cauliflower is all diseased... bugs are eating the leaves.
Him: Fuck that. Grow nachos
Can you even imaging how great that would be??? Yes. GROW NACHOS. I need to get on that shit.
In other news, every time Groove Armada comes on Itunes, Rickey (my dog) leaves the room. I think that means he has better taste than me. But that doesn't stop me from loving Superstylin'. (Yes, click there. Gets good at 0
We wanted to update our kitchen

We wanted to update our kitchen to get rid of the rustic, cabin-like feel of the knotty pine cabinetry. We priced new cabinets and it was way out of our budget of $10k. We painted the cabinets, added glass in some doors for a custom look, replaced the laminate counters with quartz, laid a tumbled stone backsplash, added a new deep stainless steel sink, as well as all new stainless appliances. The project took a little over a month to complete since we did everything our selves. We came in under budget at only $8k,
ur kitchen AFTER. Painted cabinets to a chocolate, added glass in a few of the doors for a more custom look, tiled the backsplash with tumbled stone and bought all new stainless appliances.
HGTV enlists some of today's hottest interior designers to count down the worst decorating crimes in American homes. Are you a culprit?
STRIPES TEEN BEDDING TO SWOON OVER! black and white polka dot bedding set comforter GO HERE FOR MORE! A funky, high contrast black, white and hot

A funky, high contrast black, white and hot pink bedding collection would be the ultimate fantasy of any teen girl! Feature all the sophisticated, high fashion motifs from spike heels to red hot pink lips on the pillows. Other decorations include high performance sports cars and svelte fashion models ready for the runway covered in sparkles, glitter and loads of glam.
love the way that the pink and black polka dots and stripes contrast and pop. You might think that this design would be a little too wild to work for decorating a girl's bedroom, even a teenager's bedroom needs a few tranquil elements but black and white striped pillow shams, bed skirts and accent pillows will tone it down to a low level of excitement that the color scheme will have a fancy French flair.
I can use my romantically inclined imagination to see some Eiffel Tower or other scenery found only in Paris used to decorate the walls for the ulimate in luxury and atmosphere! Perhaps some pictures of black and white polka dot fashion accessories with pink accents would really set off the bedding!

OO! If that didn’t scare you, maybe the idea of arranging your girl’s room around a set of orange bedding might send your teeth chattering. The mere mention of selecting decor based on this color generally sends the weak of heart running for the hills and frankly I don’t get it. There is so much that can be done with an orange comforter and it is such a warm and friendly color.
If you are a holiday decorator, you may have landed here looking for a Halloween themed comforter set. Sorry to disappoint you but the purpose of this article is to convince my visitors that orange bedding and the holiday that celebrates with Trick or Treating do not necessarily march in lockstep.
The multi-colored changing leaves on the trees might draw my attention to various and sundry shades of orange in fall of the year because my habit is to study nature to get tips on workable color combinations and orange, red and brown is a winner especially with some bright yellow thrown in for good measure. But when spring rolls around I’m just as likely to jump in and try a set of orange and white or lively pink and orange bedding.
The bottom line is that no matter who says that orange is not flattering to a lady’s complexion; it is a beautiful color in a teenage girl’s bedroom. Cool things down with turquoise or neutralize the color scheme with white or dove gray but please don’t run from orange.
act, some of the bed in a bag sets should come with a warning label that this is not a color scheme for sissies. However if you use caution hot pink and orange just might set your bedroom up to be so stunning that makes your friend’s jaw drop when you open that door. For brave souls, a bright and bold set of polka dot bedding in pink and orange may be something worthy of consideration.
Just to be clear, pink and orange polka dot bedding is not the only pattern that will have this desired effect. Orange and white polka dots or pink and orange stripes are just as visually stimulating. In fact, if you wanted to throw in a few lime green or teal blue polka dots in the print I would be totally on board with the idea. When it comes to color my opinion is the more the merrier within reason, of course.
After you find that funky, pink and orange bedding you need to take it down a notch when decorating the rest of the bedroom. Ease up on the color with your wall paint ideas and experiment with a neutral color that will clear the stage for your comforter to shine. I’m not suggesting that you have to settle for painting the walls white although that might be cool when decorated with some painted polka dots or polka dot decals. I’m just saying that you don’t want too much color especially if it’s going to overpower that cool pink and orange bedding set.
Here are some ideas for accent colors that will be best to use as a background for your pink and orange comforter. For the walls, pale yellow, light orange or even white would be nice. My favorite accent colors that you can scatter with around the room with your choice of decorations like pillows and area rugs are teal blue, purple and lovely lime green.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
my opinion girls pur

my opinion girls purple and green bedding is perfect! However, there is nothing at all inappropriate about mixing it up with other colors so long as they are edgy and do nothing to diminish the decorative impact of the initial color scheme, right? Certainly orange, electric blue and black are all very modern colors that should appeal to a teenage girl, right? Well, keep reading and you will see there are times when my assumptions get me in trouble!
That is certainly the idea that I was operating under when I included a bright and bold set of bedding with all of the wild colors that I mentioned on my design board to present to a young girl (tween or early teenage years) who had casually mentioned the possibility of a purple and lime green color scheme for her bedroom.
This is the Javaneseall decals are made of paper and backed with low tack adhesive allowing ease of repositioning decals without damaging paint. Inclu

That’s right, mixing colors and patterns is all the rage and at the moment the design combination of choice is stripes and polka dots and one of the most stylish color combos would have to be iridescent purple and lime green. The shade of purple that you prefer can range from light lavender so pale as to hardly suggest the slightest hint of color to a deep purple so dark that the light has to be peseall decals are made of paper and backed with low tack adhesive allowing ease of repositioning decals without damaging paint. Includes 2 sheets of decalavaneseall decals are made of paper and backed with low tack adhesive allowing ease of repositioning decals without damaging paint. Includes 2 sheets of decal
n is purple polka

n is purple polka dot bedding green? Well, the word is that reactive dyes that were used to give this bold, beautiful comforter set its deep, rich design are reputed to be very healthy, in fact more so than the all-purpose dyes that are more commonly used. This type of dye is not only reported to be healthier, but softer and longer lasting. Which as we know is a good thing for bedding destined to become part of the décor in a teenage girl’s room where spilled drinks, makeup and even occasional circles of nail polish can send the bedding set to the laundry on a regular basis.
I just recommended the set of purple polka dot bedding in the pictures to a client for her daughter’s dorm room so I have not had a chance to inspect it to see if the look and feel backs up the claims made by the manufacturer. But if the initial reaction of not only the mother in the household that I am working on but her two girls is any indication, I will more than likely have not one but two sets of this cute purple b
The biggest decorating mistake

ese are all questions that I’m asked by moms when their daughters go crazy over a purple and black zebra print bedding set. Mothers want their tweens and teens to take part and have a say in the decisions made in decorating their rooms. But, they are not experienced enough to know how to accessorize and coordinate patterns that will allow the girls to design an attractive room based on the bedspread they choose.
The biggest decorating mistake that could be made is to buy up lots of zebra print decorations thinking that’s what is needed to go with the purple zebra bedding set. That many stripes in one small bedroom are enough to make you dizzy.
The comforter, dust ruffle and pillows in the purple zebra bedding require a solid color wall and accessories so that the decor doesn’t conflict with the striped print. For a sophisticated look, ebony wood, black lacquer and ceramics are an excellent choice.
Younger teenage girls might prefer funky over chic. If that’s the case, vinyl wall flowers in a 60s retro style might work. Refer to the pictures for decorating ideas. Purple flowers with bold, black polka dot centers stay in keeping with your color scheme but the shapes are sufficiently removed from the striped pattern in the purple zebra bedding set to provide contrast rather than confusion.
somebody tell me why purpl

somebody tell me why purple dorm bedding is scarce as an old hen’s teeth? Well, this old hen has just about had it after spending the best part of a day on the prowl for some purple twin bedding with extra long sheets.
Not only must the comforter set and the sheets have to be in what I consider to be a rather odd size, but this teenage girl is on a mission to have “THE” dorm room that all the college coeds are talking about. During our initial meeting where I jot down notes on my client’s color preference and style she said that she did not care if I used a particular theme or color scheme when decorating her dorm room so long as it was something new, exciting and not the boring old stuff that she had in her bedroom at home.
This statement gave me pause because I was aware of the fact that her mother had spent a fortune on this teenage girl’s bedding and bedroom decorations to celebrate her senior year in high school. Not about to let her breeze out of the room leaving me under that kind of pressure, with a long suffering look I begged her to please give me a few ideas to work with
d gardens differ from

ird gardens differ from other flower gardens in the plants they contain, rather than the manner in which you plant them. The bottom line is this: You have complete freedom of choice on how you arrange the flowers in your beds. Your overall style, either formal or informal, will dictate how the flowers are planted. Adopt a layered planting with
ome, just off the foyer

ome, just off the foyer or entry. This makes it a more ‘public’ room to greet guests without revealing the more private living spaces in the home.
A fireplace, entertainment center with large screen television or large picture window(s) with spectacular view will most often serve as the primary focal point in a living room or sitting room. It is critical to situate and arrange the room around your focal point as it becomes the starting point when arranging furnishings and design elements.
If your living room does not feature an architectural focal point you can create one by adding a feature such as custom built-in cabinetry and display shelving, a large screen TV or dramatic artwork. A secondary or supporting focal point can be distinguishe

rangement service I recently did in Japan of a guest bedroom, a living room and a dining room. You'll see all of the "before" pictures of this home, together with the "after" pictures, and you can read the accompanying explanations of exactly what I did to improve on the furniture and accessory arrangements, the difficulties I faced in these rooms, and you'll see first hand how I resolved most of the issues. One can't always resolve every issue, depending on the usage of the room, the architectural elements and the practical needs of the homeowner, but you'll see how I really turned these rooms from ordinary, boring and chaotic, to charming, functional and organized. You'll see first hand how it doesn't matter how old your home is, nor how old and dinged your furnishings are. With proper placement, you can turn any environment into a charming, inviting home. This exclusive report only comes with the purchase of Decor Secrets Revealed.
corate your living room, famil

ecorate your living room, family room or den, even your bedroom, kitchen or bath in one day, using the furnishings you already own. Knowing how to properly arrange your furniture is a key element to creating a room that is cozy, functional and inviting. It's not that difficult once you know the design concepts and principles that interior designers have used for decades to create stunning arrangements in decorating magazines and books.
There are many elements that must be taken into account: color, balance, flow and rhythm, just to mention four. All of the various concepts, however, must be coordinated together to create a cohesive unit that keeps the functionality of the room as well as enhancing it's beauty. Most rooms, particularly larger rooms, can easily be arranged in many different ways, all equally appropriate. So don't think that your room can only be done one way.
Furniture manufacturers tell us that furniture should be moved to different locations periodically so that the sunlight doesn't unduly damage the wood or fabric on one side or another. By rotating your furniture periodically to a different place in
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Air Bed
Air Bed
In this article, we will provide you with information on the bedroom air bed. It is but obvious that, the first thing that strikes our mind on hearing about air bed is camping. Well, the fact is that, the airbed provides such an extreme comfort that nowadays; it is preferred by many people for their homes. Bedroom Airbed is another name for assured good night sleep.The reservoir of benefits of an air bed is pretty large. Very light in weight, an airbed is easily portable. You can, without any problems, set an airbed using an electronic air pump that blows up the bed in less than a minute. You don't need to buy any special bedding, as the size of an airbed is the same as that of a regular bed. So, the regular bedding would suffice your purpose.
Airbeds are very useful in preventing bedsores and thus, are very commonly found in the hospitals. Some airbeds have hybrid mattresses, which are equipped with coil springs that have air chambers. These air chambers can be puffed up to get the desired firmness.
The comfort of the airbed can be attributed to its ability to spread the body weight evenly. The shape of an airbed varies according to the shape of body lying on it. Another advantage of using an airbed is that, it is able to reduce the dust mites. While, on the other hand, the regular bed gets infected with dead skin and dust particles, thus giving rise to allergies. Owing to the multiple benefits, Airbeds are increasingly become the choice of people.
Arranging Living Room Furniture
Arranging Living Room Furniture
Arranging living room furniture in a right way decides whether your living room looks cluttered and overstuffed or an organized comfortable room where you like to spend most of your time. We will learn how to make a living room furniture layout and see how living room furniture placement can help us in making our lives easier. The first step to plan how to put the furniture in the living room is to measure up the room and draw a sketch of the room on a graph paper using a scale such as � in to 1 ft. Note down where and how many windows and doors are situated in the living room, their size, the height of the windowsills and the space between the windows and the doors.Be sure to mark the location of the electrical points and outlets, telephone point, cable and light switches in the living room to help you know what goes where. You can also use small-scale furniture paper cutouts to see your living room will look after arranging the furniture. Choose a focal point of the living room and arrange your furniture and lighting around it. Some of the popular focal point ideas in a living room are a fireplace, a view from the window, window opening out in a garden, a large bookcase, sofa with a special painting hung above it, a home theater system or big size plasma television.
You may also turn one of the corners of the living room in a focal point using an interesting lamp, tabletop waterfall or other unique decorative pieces on it along with the lighting to highlight it. Set up conversation areas for your guests. There should 4 to 10 ft of distance between your sofa or loveseat and chairs, so that people can talk to each other easily. Less than 4 feet of distance will make your living room too cramped, while more than 10 feet of distance between sofa and the chairs will make conversation difficult. Legroom between the sofa, loveseat or chairs and the coffee table should be at least 14 to 18 inches.
Try to make pathway to walk freely in the living room without stumbling on the furniture that is at least 2 to 3 feet wide. Furniture placement and layout in a small living room can be quite challenging. In a typical apartment living room with space restraints, we will usually find that the entertainment center is the biggest piece of furniture and has to be placed at the right position first. Rest of the furniture is set around it. The sofa goes directly opposite to the TV and you may place the chair at an angle. It can be turned around to watch TV or talk to the person sitting on the sofa at your convenience. Two chairs on either side of the sofa will give a balanced look to the room.
In a small living room, the height and mass of the furniture should be too contrasting. A low table against a high back chair can be visually balanced by adding a tall piece of art above it. Do not use bulky cabinets and sleek metallic chairs together. Maintain visual harmony and thematic balance in your living room decor. Keep the number of the pieces of furniture down to avoid cramped look in a small living room. Use two love seats facing each other instead of four chairs or one sofa and two chairs instead of one loveseat and three or more chairs. Tall living rooms can be subtly divided into separate conversation and work areas by using a sofa or other big piece of furniture that does not need support of a wall to divide up the room.
Aromatherapy Home Solutions
Aromatherapy Home Solutions
Aromatherapy refers to the use of selected fragrant substances as oils, lotions, inhalants and other forms to affect the mood of an individual and promote his or her health. In home, we can make use of these tips while bathing in bathrooms and feel fresh for the whole day and even get rid of all those bugs, insects and cockroaches in hidden corners of our homes. Today, fragrant aromatherapy candles or a bag of aromatherapic potpourri is quite in vogue and are known for their calming and stimulating effects and are quite effective as energizers too. Make sure that you are not allergic to any of the substances used here before you make use of them. Here are some aromatic therapeutic solutions you can use for your home:* Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted out of fragrant plants by compressing them. They are either inhaled or mixed with bath water to affect the mood as desired. They are also used to keep away insects, freshen up clothes and polish furniture.
* Essential oils get absorbed through our skin in our body and can heal us by stimulating specific areas of our brain, whether they are mixed with bath water or used for massaging our body.
* A healthy spray that protects your houseplants and garden can be prepared by adding 6 to 8 drops of the mixture in a gallon of water prepared by mixing together lavender and thyme oils. Thyme oil in water helps to grow healthier cabbage and cauliflower while basil oil favor growth of broccoli, potatoes and tomatoes. Yarrow oil for cucumbers, chamomile for onions and carrot extract for lettuce are a blessing for your kitchen garden.
* Add 2 tablespoons of soap dissolved in 2 cups of boiling water to two cups of turpentine and one cup of melted natural beeswax and then add 10 drops of cedar wood, cypress or sandalwood oil to make a great-looking furniture polish that can be used for all wood finishes.
* For the fresh smelling clothes, throw a cloth with two drops of bergamot, lavender, neroli, cedar wood, petit grain and sweet orange oils in the dryer with them.
* Mix about 6 drops of lavender, lemongrass, citronella and peppermint oils in one cup of water to prepare a room spray that can rid us of mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches.
* Mix together citronella oil, cedar wood oil, garlic and clothes freshener and put a couple of its drops in the collar of your pet without diluting it. It gets rid of the fleas in the fur of your pets and do not harm them a bit.
* Mix together eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, tea tree, lemon and marjoram oils. To immune yourself and your family against colds, make a room spray by adding six drops of the preparation per cup of water or adding 4 to 9 drops of it in the water of a humidifier.
* Mix together lemon, bergamot, lavender, sweet orange, oregano and thyme oils and mix 8 drops of it in a liter of warm water to use a bathroom freshener. You can also use it as a cleaner by pouring 2 to 3 drops of undiluted mixture on a wet sponge and wipe down all surfaces using wash water. Add more oil to the sponge when necessary.
* Pour a few drops of undiluted peppermint and spearmint oils near the living areas, edges of the ceiling and other holes to drive off mice and other bugs from the home.
Apron Kitchen Sinks
Apron Kitchen Sinks
In the present times, as more and more people are becoming aware about the concept of kitchen d�cor, the sale of kitchen sinks is increasingly gaining momentum. Today, the kitchen sink is not just a mere accessory, but a great decoration item for adorning the kitchen. When it comes to embellishing your kitchen with classy kitchen sinks, there is a vast array of kitchen sinks available for you to choose from.People who wish to decorate their kitchen in the traditional style, for them apron kitchen sinks are just apt. They lend a warm classic look to the kitchen that reminds of the olden days. Made from cast iron, these apron sinks serve as the perfect choice for small kitchens. Read on to know more about the apron sink for kitchen.
The past decade has witnessed an enormous growth in the production and sale of apron sinks. The manufacturers are coming up with distinctive varieties of apron kitchen sinks, differing in their designs. The best thing about going in for apron kitchen sink is that, it can go well with virtually all kinds of kitchen settings, then be it country style or the ultramodern style.
Antique Living Room Furniture
Antique Living Room Furniture
Besides the functional use of furniture, it also has an ornamental use in the living room. If you want to recreate a period lifestyle or adapt your living room to the popular fad of a time period, you may want to buy authentic antique furniture of that time that reflects the particular traits that makes it unique and in keeping with the social taste of the times. It is their link to history and perhaps some astonishing stories from the past that are often passed down with heirlooms from generation to generation that attracts so many people to antique furniture pieces and sometimes make them much more expensive than the brand new items.An epoch from furniture timeline exudes similar style of craftsmanship, use of material or theme that identifies a piece to belong to that period. To buy an antique furniture piece, you must have good knowledge of furniture history and styles in different countries and periods. People often pass of d\fake antiques that are not even faithful reproductions of the antique you want. It can be quite complicated to identify true antiques, imitations, variations, alterations and restorations and though, the seller may not always intend to cheat you, he or she may have marred the authenticity of the furniture due to lack of skill and knowledge and going for totally incompatible furnishing requirements.
So, buying antique living room furniture requires a lot of research and eye of an expert. Arts and Crafts Movement in America is reputed to produce the best furniture designs and arts craft furniture living room style puts best pieces belonging to this period on display in the living room. The artistic elements of the furniture and its affordability made it popular with the masses. It is quite functional and is also known as 'Mission style furniture' sometimes as the furniture designs were derivatives if Franciscan missions in California. Also known as Craftsman furniture, arts and crafts living room furniture has distinctive design elements and was usually plain and simple. It was quite durable and heavy and had strong joints and was usually made with hardwoods such as solid white or red oak that was quarter-sawed to highlight the wood grain in a special way and was then treated to have long-lasting finish.
Arts and Crafts chairs and tables are generally made up of wooden slats with straight legs that have stretchers in between. The dark leather upholstery was most popular then and quality craftsmanship; good proportions, highlighted wood grains and rich colors mark them as unique. High quality handmade arts and craft furniture for your living room can be quite expensive. Cheaper quality furniture made by machines could also last very long. Victorian living room furniture on the other hand is extremely ornate and had exquisite carving details on display.
The furniture from this era is usually made up of darkest wood unlike light mahogany finish and satinwood that were used previously. The popular materials used for Victorian furniture were dark mahogany with a reddish tinge, rosewood, black walnut and bog oak. Rich deep hue of dark oak was preferred and the size of the furniture was often colossal. The relief work in the furniture included skilful and ornamental carvings of flowers, fruit, animals and human figures. The Victorian furniture used to be quite expensive. However, from today's perspective, we can put it down as massive, clumsy and ill proportioned. Only the cabinetry of the Georgian period is still treasured today.
Antique Kitchen Sinks
Antique Kitchen Sinks
If you want to give a classic look to your kitchen that resembles the styling of the Victorian era, then what can be a better idea than installing an antique style kitchen sink? The vintage kitchen sink will take you into the flashback thus reminding you of the glorious past. It is not an easy task to find out the real antique sink in today's times. If, by chance, you happen to come across a vintage sink, it might not be having the requisite accessories that enable it to function properly.The antique kitchen sinks of the 19th century were mainly made up of copper, marble and porcelain. They were basically brought from Italy, France and Continental Europe. It is pretty difficult to find the sinks of the 20th century in their original shape and condition. If you are fortunate enough to discover one, then it is for sure you'll have to pay an extra price for it. But, the look that these ancient sinks lend to your kitchen truly has an unbeatable charm.
Antique Kitchen Lighting
Antique Kitchen Lighting
If you want to lend a traditional old style look to your kitchen, then what can be a better idea than to embellish your kitchen with antique kitchen lighting? The kitchen antique light fixture can add wonders to your kitchen by giving it a warm soothing feel. Read on to know more about antique lighting for kitchen.You can give your kitchen antique light fixture an entirely new look by remodeling it in a manner that lends a candle effect. Well, you must be thinking as to how to go about achieving such a theme. Well, it is here that lighting comes to play a vital role. Choose bulb lights that seem to flicker, thus resembling the candles. It is just apt to produce the dramatic effect.
For further adding to the traditional theme, you can make use of the lava lamps that were extensively used in the 50s and 60s. The traditional lava lamps with the bright lighting are still in trend. Also the motion lamps of the 1920s are becoming popular. When it comes to antique lighting, it is preferable to incorporate more lights but at lower wattage.
The lower you fix the antique light fixture, the bigger it will appear to be. Never try to highlight your kitchen by using a single high wattage bulb, as it can mar the very look of your old style kitchen. A better idea is to go in for secondary lighting like opting for ceiling lighting fixture that has multiple arms. Make sure that the basic designing and finish of your antique kitchen lighting goes well with the overall setup of your kitchen.
Antique Kitchen Cabinets
Antique Kitchen Cabinets
Antique kitchen cabinets give your kitchen a distinctive look and this is what sets it apart from others. There is no dearth of styles, when it comes to decorating your kitchen with antique kitchen cabinets. If you don't want to spend adequate money on searching for antique cabinets for kitchen, then you can try out some easy ideas to add antiquity to your kitchen cabinet. There are basically two procedures of adding antiquity, namely, staining and distressing.Well, its upto whether you want to use a single method or use a combination of both, to make your kitchen appear fascinating. The method of staining works well in case of cabinets that have a light paint color. All that is required is a dark stain, plenty of paper towels and brush. Apply a single layer of the stain on the portion that you want to paint and then wipe it off as per your wish. Repeat the activity till it reaches your satisfaction level. For the natural look, stain more on the edges and handles of the cabinet.
Another popular way of giving your kitchen cabinet a traditional look consists of distressing. The method is apt for the painted cabinets. The changed look will make the cabinet appear as old as after hundreds of years of use. Some people resort to chains and hammers, however, for kitchen cabinets; a few sandpapers would suffice the purpose. All you have to do is to remove the finish and make the cabinet appear dull. Take a medium grit paper and rub off the finish on the door and the edges of the drawer and your antique style kitchen cabinet is ready to adorn your kitchen.
Antique Bedroom Furniture
Antique Bedroom Furniture
In this article, we will provide you with information on the antique furniture for bedroom. Antique bedroom furniture, with its exquisite designing, serves as a real feast for the eyes. It adds to the beauty of your room and gives it a distinctive look. These days, antique furnishings for bedroom are coming up with gold embellished headboards and nightstands with vertical mirrors.There are antique beds containing a chest of drawers, two nightstands and a mirror. Presently, you can also find antique bedroom furnishings equipped with TV armoires and cloth hangers. The elegance of antique bedroom furniture has simply no match. Its classic look has an unbeatable charm. It is owing to this fact that antique furniture style is increasingly gaining popularity.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Interior Decoration

Interior Decoration of Home Decor is the art of decorating a room in order to make it great to look at and easy to use with the existing frame of the room. The goal of the successful interior design is to give the home owner a look for the room that reflects their personality. Interior decoration uses things like paintings, paint, wall paper, light fixtures, floor plans, curtains and carpets. They base the whole design on the room itself.
Most interior decorated rooms are based on themes. Some people like Louis XV, some like the Victorian era and then there are those that like the art deco designs. Each style depends on what the home owner likes. When you hire an interior decorator, some of them charge per room. So if you are looking for multiple room, some may give you a break on the price so before you decide on one person shop around. Every interior decorator has different idea and you may find you like one designer better than the other.
When you decide to go with an interior designer, make sure that you have some idea of what you want. Some designers come in with their own ideas and they end up creating a room based on their vision not yours and then you end up hating the style and either you end up with a look you like or you end up in court. Always have a design style, if you like contemporary then look on the internet and see what different styles you like and then as you are interviewing decorators show them what you want and make sure they have the means to get you what you want.
There are so many different ways to decorate your home. If you don?t want the whole kit and caboodle then you can have some one come in a design a simple room with paint and carpeting and maybe some art for the room. You can find out exactly what services are offered and then go from there. Make sure the company you are dealing with is reputable. Ask to see some designs that have done for other people.
Once you have commissioned a interior decorator you make sure you have a contract and that the contract lists everything that you want so once the job is completed that there is no questions to what was supposed to be done. Unfortunately there are many small claims cases based on that very thing. Get everything in writing and always get a receipt. Never give cash without getting a detailed receipt for what the cash was given for.
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